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How are errors detected and reported in the TFTP protocol?

In the TFTP protocol, errors are detected and reported using an error packet. The error packet contains an error code and an error message. The error code is a 2-byte integer that indicates the type of error that occurred. The error message is a variable-length string that provides additional details about the error.

When an error occurs during a TFTP transaction, the server sends an error packet to the client. The client then displays the error message to the user and terminates the connection. Some of the common error codes in TFTP include:

- 0 – Not defined, see error message (This error code is used for error messages that do not have a specific error code.)
- 1 – File not found
- 2 – Access violation
- 3 – Disk full or allocation exceeded
- 4 – Illegal TFTP operation
- 5 – Unknown transfer ID
- 6 – File already exists
- 7 – No such user

The error reporting mechanism in TFTP helps to ensure that errors are detected and reported to the user in a timely and accurate manner.

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