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The top-level domain (TLD) : ABUDHABI

The top-level domain (TLD) “.abudhabi” is a geographic TLD (gTLD) which is specifically intended for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Top-level domains serve as an important part of your web address, helping to identify the nature of your website. The “.abudhabi” TLD, in particular, is assumed to help promote Abu Dhabi’s businesses, culture, and lifestyle around the world.

The “.abudhabi” TLD falls in the category of geoTLDs – these types of TLDs represents a geographic location or a specific geopolitical identity. Other examples of geoTLDs include “.paris”, “.london”, and “.nyc”. Such a TLD holds several benefits for businesses and individuals. For businesses, it can signify a strong presence in the specific region, build trust amongst customers familiar with the region, and enhance search engine optimization for region-specific searches.

According to ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), the global organization that manages Internet domain names, the “.abudhabi” TLD is sponsored by the Abu Dhabi Systems and Information Centre. It was introduced to the public in 2016.

As it is a geographic TLD, usage of the domain is usually restricted to entities that can display a bona fide presence in Abu Dhabi, whether these entities are businesses, organizations, or individuals. This ensures that those who visit a “.abudhabi” website can trust that the entity behind the website is connected with the geographic location of Abu Dhabi.

The application and usage of “.abudhabi” domain names are managed according to the policy set by the Abu Dhabi Systems and Information Centre. This means domain names can be denied or require additional verification if the entity doesn’t have a verifiable presence in Abu Dhabi, significantly contributing to the trustworthiness of these domain names.

To give an example of a site using the .abudhabi TLD, visit www.apmterminals.abudhabi. This domain provides information about APM Terminals, an international container terminal operating company headquartered in The Hague, the Netherland, which also has important operations in the Abu Dhabi region.

Sources used for this answer:

1. ICANN. Delegated strings: .abudhabi. ICANN.
2. 101Domain. Geo domain names: .abudhabi. 101Domain.
3. TechTerms. Top-level domain. TechTerms.
4. APM Terminals. Our location: Abu Dhabi. APM Terminals.
5. Wikipedia. GeoTLD. Wikipedia.

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