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The top-level domain (TLD) : CZ

The top-level domain (TLD) “.cz” is a country code TLD (ccTLD) that was assigned to the Czech Republic, located in Central Europe. It was introduced in 1993, following the dissolution of Czechoslovakia, a situation that necessitated a distinct internet presence for the newly formed Czech Republic.

The domain is regulated and administered by the CZ.NIC Association, a non-profit organization funded by its members, which include leading providers of internet services in the Czech Republic and other influential players in the Czech IT market. As of the beginning of 2021, more than 1.3 million .cz domains had been registered, making it one of the top 10 ccTLDs used across Europe.

The “.cz” ccTLD remains of significant importance in the Czech Republic’s digital world, as it helps to establish a local presence, trust, and credibility among internet users in this country. Many businesses, organizations, and individual users in the country utilize this domain to indicate their connection to the Czech Republic. This includes corporations like Skoda Auto (.skoda-auto.cz) and T-Mobile Czech Republic (.t-mobile.cz), educational institutions like the University of Prague (.cuni.cz), and government websites such as the official portal of the city of Prague (.praha.eu).

In terms of structure, the .cz domain does not require any specific second-level domains. This allows for direct registration under .cz, such as www.example.cz. However, second-level domains such as co.cz, net.cz, and org.cz are also permitted, allowing for a level of categorization based on the nature of the entities using the domain.

It’s worth noting that not only Czech entities can register a .cz domain. Any European Union resident or entity can register this domain, making it a popular choice for businesses looking to gain a foothold in the Czech market.

The information used to construct this answer is from recognized sources such as The World Factbook by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), “The Domain Name Industry Brief” by Verisign, and other details were retrieved from the official CZ.NIC Association website.

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