Dabur is a renowned brand worldwide, but unfortunately, to the best of my knowledge, there is currently no top-level domain (TLD) registered under the name ‘.DABUR’. Top-level domains (TLDs) are extensions that are attached at the end of Internet domain names; these are managed by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) under the stewardship of ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers).
As of now, IANA recognizes several categories of TLDs that include generic TLDs like .com, .net, .org; country-code TLDs like .us, .fr, .uk, and sponsored TLDs related to specific organizations, communities, or established entities such as .gov, .edu, .mil.
Some organizations do indeed have TLDs after their brand names; ‘.google’, ‘.apple’, ‘.amazon’ are examples of such brand TLDs. So, hypothetically, the Dabur brand could apply for a ‘.Dabur’ TLD to ICANN. Subject to ICANN’s approval and compliance with certain conditions, it could obtain ‘.Dabur’ as a proprietary TLD. But as far as the current TLD repository goes, there is no ‘.Dabur’ TLD.
However, having a proprietary brand-TLD could offer a multitude of advantages for Dabur. It can help enhance the brand’s digital presence, and offer more sophisticated and customized services to its customers. A proprietary TLD could also add a layer of security by reducing the risk of cyber squatting and phishing attacks.
To do this, Dabur would have to participate in ICANN’s New gTLD Program. This program, as per ICANN,”was developed to increase competition and choice by introducing new gTLDs into the Internet’s addressing system.” ICANN provides a detailed Applicant Guidebook that offers step-by-step procedures on submitting applications for new gTLDs.
The procedure includes an evaluation of the proposed gTLD, which is carried out in stages that can include string reviews (DNS stability, string contention, etc.) and applicant reviews, which check the applicant’s financial and technical capability to operate a gTLD registry.
This information is contingent on the latest records and might vary in the future if the respective organizations make alterations in their guidelines or repositories. For the most accurate information, I recommend referring directly to ICANN or IANA’s websites.
1. ICANN. New gTLD Program. ICANN.
2. Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). Root Zone Database. IANA.