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The top-level domain (TLD) : EPSON

“Epson” as a top-level domain (TLD) is not currently listed in the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) database, which manages the global Domain Name System (DNS). The IANA is a department of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). They are responsible for coordinating some of the key elements that keep the Internet running smoothly. Whilst there may be a variety of other top-level domains (TLDs) available (e.g., .com, .org, .net, .gov), currently “Epson” is not one of them as per IANA records.

To give a brief context, Epson is a well-known corporation best recognized for its wide range of printers, scanners, desktop computers, business, multimedia and home theatre projectors, large home theatre televisions, robots and industrial automation equipment, point of sale docket printers and cash registers, laptops, integrated circuits, LCD components and other related electronic components. It’s a multinational corporation based in Suwa, Nagano, Japan, and is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of computer printers and information and imaging-related equipment.

In terms of DNS, TLDs are the last segment of a domain name — the letters immediately following the final dot of any domain name. For example, in the domain name www.example.com, the TLD is “com”. According to IANA, as of this writing, there are two main types of TLDs — generic TLDs (gTLDs), such as .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, and country-code TLDs (ccTLDs), such as .us, .ca, .jp, .fr, .au, etc.

The DNS has evolved over time to include new TLDs with the approval of ICANN, and one such development was the introduction of branded TLDs or “dot brand” domains. This is where specific corporations, like Google, BMW, or Canon, have applied to manage a TLD reflecting their brand name (e.g. .google or .bmw). To date, Epson has not applied for or implemented a .epson TLD.

One reason for a business to secure a brand TLD, beyond simply protecting their brand, might be to create a controlled, secure, and recognizable environment for their customers online. Driving engagement and establishing a trusted digital presence are important aspects of the modern corporate world, and having a brand TLD can contribute to these objectives.

As of the time of writing, the .epson domain does not exist, but that does not mean it couldn’t exist in the future if Epson chooses to apply for it via ICANN’s New gTLD Program, which allows for the introduction of new gTLDs to the Internet’s addressing system. Keep in mind that this information is subject to change and it’s always wise to confirm the status of TLDs with the IANA’s Root Zone Database as it is the definitive source.


1. Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. “Root Zone Database.” www.iana.org/domains/root/db.

1. Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. “New gTLD Program.” www.icann.org/resources/pages/program-2012-02-25-en.

1. Epson. “About Epson.” global.epson.com/SR/about/.

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