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The top-level domain (TLD) : FORD

The top-level domain (TLD) “.FORD” is a brand TLD in the Domain Name System (DNS) of the internet. This category of TLD is specifically designed for companies wishing to secure their brand online and improve their website’s visibility. For instance, Google’s top-level domain is “.google”, and BMW’s TLD is “.bmw”.

The “.FORD” TLD is set aside specifically for Ford Motor Company, a prominent multinational automaker based in the United States. It cannot be used by other entities; it is restricted exclusively to the Ford Motor Company.

Brand TLDs like “.FORD” are part of a program started by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). The ICANN launched the New gTLD Program in January 2012 according to its many resources and official site. It was designed to enhance competition, innovation, and consumer choice. As a result, companies now can apply for a top-level domain with their brand name.

The “.FORD” TLD is officially delegated to the Ford Motor Company, as listed in the IANA’s Root Zone Database. IANA stands for the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. It’s an institution that supervises global IP address allocation, DNS root zone management, and other Internet protocol-related symbols and numbers.

The adoption of “.FORD” as their TLD allows the Ford Motor Company to have full control over their domain, enhancing their digital presence, strengthening their brand, and providing a more secure platform for their customers. It adds trust and credibility to their online initiatives.

However, it’s important to note that obtaining a brand TLD doesn’t necessarily mean the company will utilize it. According to ICANN, even though Ford Motor Company has secured the rights to this TLD, as of now, they have not opted to develop a website using this domain.

In conclusion, a top-level domain like “.FORD” confers prestige and recognition and is an integral part of digital brand protection and marketing strategies. This paradigm shift in the online brand representation can play a key role in the brand’s interaction with its consumers, by providing a more secure, credible, and personalized user experience.

1. IANA. (n.d.). .ford – IANA — .ford Domain Delegation Data. https://www.iana.org/domains/root/db/ford.html
2. ICANN. (n.d.). New gTLD Program. https://newgtlds.icann.org/en/about/program
3. ICANN. (n.d.). .FORD Domain Information – gTLDs: New gTLD Detail Reports – Program Statistics. https://newgtlds.icann.org/en/program-status/odr/dot-ford-odr-2019-0003

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