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The top-level domain (TLD) : IR

The top-level domain (TLD) “.ir” is the country code TLD (ccTLD) for Iran. According to IANA (the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority), the sponsor for the .ir TLD is the Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences.

Top-level domains (TLDs) constitute the last part of a domain name, which are usually the letters that follow the final dot in an Internet address. In case of “.ir”, it denotes that the website is linked to Iran, highlighting an intimate affiliation either for personal, governmental, commercial or any other kinds of portals. Examples of some Iranian sites using the .ir TLD include “http://www.tourism.ir/” or “https://www.bmi.ir/en”, which are respectively associated with the tourism board and a bank in Iran.

As per ICANN’s (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) document on “.ir”, the TLD was initially delegated in 1994, and the sponsoring organization remains the Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, also known as the Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences.

There are rules and regulations assigned, managed and implemented by the sponsoring organization regarding the registration criteria and use of the “.ir” TLD. The rules are defined based on the local laws, policies and requirements, including adherence to the standards defined in the Handbook of Country Code Names Supporting Organization of ICANN. It is primarily intended to be used for entities connected with the country, Iran.

In the context of website ranking and SEO (Search Engine Optimization), having a country specific TLD like “.ir” can lead to better localization for search engines, further contributing to a higher possibility of visibility among targeted audience in the designated region.

Yet, it’s worthy to note that, while country codes like “.ir” can facilitate localization and identification of affiliation, any forms of content that are harmful, illegal or threatening to national security and public morality are strictly prohibited under the laws of Islamic Republic of Iran. This was reported in an article on “Internet Development and Governance in Iran” by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, which specifies censorship and regulations for .ir domains.

In conclusion, “.ir” is the ccTLD for Iran, with the sponsorship handled by the Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences. It provides a significant platform for digital identification of affairs related to Iran, such as websites for local businesses, personal blogs or governmental organizations, while adhering to Iranian regulations and international standards.

- IANA — .ir Domain Delegation Data
- ICANN’s document on “.ir“
- Center for Strategic and International Studies: Internet Development and Governance in Iran.

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