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The top-level domain (TLD) : ISMAILI

The “Ismaili” top-level domain (TLD) does not currently exist in the official list of internet TLDs. A top level domain or TLD is basically the last part of a domain name. Some popular examples include .com, .org, .gov, and .edu. These are regarded as gTLDs (generic top-level domains). There are also sTLDs (sponsored top-level domains) such as .aero, .edu, or .mil. In addition, another category is ccTLD (country code top-level domains) and includes .us, .uk or .fr.

The Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA) is responsible for the overall coordination and administration of the DNS (Domain Name System) in the Internet, including the delegation of gTLDs and also ccTLDs. As of the most recent IANA records, the “.ismaili” is not listed among the established gTLDs, sTLDs or ccTLDs.

If an organization or group wish to establish the TLD “.ismaili”, they would indeed have to go through the New gTLD Program by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). The program was created to expand opportunities for community-based, geographically based, or generic domains. For example, several years back, The Boston Globe newspaper successfully obtained the .boston TLD so it could ensure a consistent, branded web presence. Swing domains and Monash University has also taken advantage of this program to secure .ski and .monash TLDs.

Establishing a new TLD involves a complex, thorough review process to ensure the applicant has the required technical, financial and operational capabilities, and the proposed use serves the Internet community’s interest. There’s also a substantial fee, initially set at $185,000 as of the last application round. Moreover, new rounds of TLD applications are not always open; the latest round began in 2012 and ended in 2014, and ICANN has not yet announced new dates.

In summary, while it’s technically feasible to introduce a “.ismaili” TLD, it’s not currently amongst existing TLDs as per the IANA. Introducing it would necessitate applying through the ICANN’s New gTLD Program, meeting stringent requirements, and bearing considerable cost.

Sources used:

1. Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) TLD Database (https://www.iana.org/domains/root/db)
2. ICANN’s New gTLD Program (https://newgtlds.icann.org/en/program-status/delegated-strings)
3. The Boston Globe article dated Oct. 10, 2017 about .boston TLD (https://www.bostonglobe.com/business/2017/10/10/boston/HCOXr5ePz3COQ8JWVNA7CL/story.html)
4. ICANN’s New gTLD Program Fees (https://newgtlds.icann.org/en/applicants/global-support/faqs/faqs-en#3)
5. Swing Domains/Ski Case Study from CentralNIC Group PLC (https://www.centralnicgroup.com/case-studies/swing-domains/)
6. Monash University Case Study from ARI Registry Services (http://ariservices.com/news-icanns-first-dotbrand-goes-live.php)

Please note that information about the process of creating a new TLD is dependent on ICANN policies, which might have changed since the latest round of new gTLD applications.

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