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The top-level domain (TLD) : NAME

Certainly, the top-level domain (TLD) .NAME is specifically designed for individuals to use with their personal websites. It was introduced in 2002 by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which is an American multinational organization in charge of maintaining and procedure the Domain Name System so internet users worldwide can find websites.

The .NAME TLD is managed by the Neustar Registry, and it’s unique because it’s intended primarily for personal use, meaning private individuals can purchase a domain under the TLD .NAME for personal use and online identities (second-level .NAME domains), or even use it for their email address (third-level .NAME domains). For example, John Smith could potentially purchase www.johnsmith.name or create an email like john@smith.name.

In general, top-level domains are the last sections of a domain name, appearing after the final dot. Other common examples of TLDs include: .com (for commercial), .org (for organization), .edu (for education), .gov (for government). The unique TLD .NAME is a generic top-level domain (gTLD), not tied to any country (like .us or .uk would be), with an explicit intent for use by individuals for personal purposes. It is, in fact, the only TLD that specifically requires personal name use.

As of earlier this year, 2021, the .NAME domain cannot be observed in large numbers when examining the most common TLDs used worldwide, but it’s still holding its own and staying strong. It shows up in the top 50 most registered TLDs, according to data from Website Build Expert, and Registrar Stats reports the registration numbers to be consistently above 130,000.

Anyone interested in reserving a .NAME domain for personal use can do so through various domain registrars, such as GoDaddy.com, Namecheap, or Bluehost. These sites make it as simple as putting in the desired name; it checks the availability, and if it is, there is an opportunity to purchase it.

In conclusion, the .NAME top-level domain may be lesser-known than .com or .org, but it offers a unique opportunity for individuals to create a personalized online presence with their own name as their domain. With global domain registrations for .NAME consistently holding steady, it seems certain that this TLD will continue to be a popular choice for those using personal names.

Sources(January 2021):
1. ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers): www.icann.org
2. Suraiya Z. (2021) “Top-Level Domain (TLD): How Do Domain Structures Work?” Website Builder Expert
3. “Current domain count in the .name top-level domain.” Registrar Stats, January 2021
4. Neustar Registry: www.home.neustar
5. GoDaddy: www.godaddy.com
6. Namecheap: www.namecheap.com
7. Bluehost: www.bluehost.com

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