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The top-level domain (TLD) : NI

The top-level domain (TLD): .ni is the internet country code for Nicaragua. Top-Level Domain or TLD is a part of the Domain Name System (DNS) structure. It constitutes the last part of the domain name, appearing after the last dot. For instance, in Google.com, ‘.com’ is the TLD.

The TLD ‘.ni’ is a country-code top-level domain (ccTLD) which is a type of TLD administered exclusively for the use of a particular country or a dependent territory that is identified with country code. As specified by The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), ‘.ni’ is specifically earmarked for Nicaragua. IANA is responsible for the global coordination of the DNS root, IP addressing, and other internet protocol resources.

NIC (Nicaragua), is the sponsoring organization and the designated manager for the TLD ‘.ni’, as listed by IANA. Its job is to maintain the administrative data for the TLD and guarantee its operation with stability, security, and resolution of disputes.

A ‘.ni’ domain name can be registered by anyone, given they comply with specific regulations set by the registry for that TLD. However, most domain names under ‘.ni’ seem to be utilized by entities associated with Nicaragua, such as businesses operating in Nicaragua or governmental departments.

Each ccTLD can have second and third-level domains, and within .ni, there are several of these, like .com.ni for commercial entities, .gob.ni for governmental organizations, etc.

The process of registering a ‘.ni’ domain requires contacting a registrar that offers ‘.ni’ TLD. The list of such registrars can be found on the NIC Nicaragua website, the official registry for ‘.ni’. Registration fees, renewal fees may vary across different registrars.

In terms of technical specifications, DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) is not listed for ‘.ni’ domain by IANA. DNSSEC is a suite of extensions that add extra security to the DNS protocol by enabling DNS responses to be validated.

The source used for this information is “IANA’s database of top-level domains”, which is the most reliable and recognized source for top-level domain information.

In summary, ‘.ni’ is the internet country code for Nicaragua. It is managed by NIC (Nicaragua), with several second and third-level domains under it. While anyone can register these domains, they are predominantly used by entities related to Nicaragua.

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