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The top-level domain (TLD) : PRAXI

As of the time of writing this response, there is no top-level domain (TLD) known as .PRAXI according to the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), the official body responsible for managing the DNS root zone and coordinating the assignment of unique identifiers on the internet, including domain names. Any new TLDs need to go through a rigorous process of review and consideration before being added to the DNS root zone, as outlined by ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. Currently, .COM, .NET, .ORG, .EDU and others are examples of generic TLDs whilst .US, .UK, .RU, .CN and the like represent country code TLDs (ccTLD). IANA maintains a list of all current TLDs (as of the time of writing this response) on their website. There are also sponsored TLDs (sTLD) such as .gov, .mil, .aero etc. These are overseen by sponsoring organizations and are more restrictive in who can register them.

For .PRAXI specifically, this seems to relate more to a company or organisation’s name rather than a TLD. PRAXI S.p.A., for instance, is an Italian management consulting firm. There’s also Praxi Alliance, a global network of independent executive search and leadership consulting firms. These companies use .COM as their TLD.

ICANN has a program for ‘New gTLDs’, enabling organizations to apply for virtually any string as a gTLD for their exclusive use, subject to a substantial fee and satisfying a variety of conditions. This program has given rise to organization-specific gTLDs such as .GOOGLE, .IBM, .CANON etc. If an entity named PRAXI wanted to apply for .PRAXI as a TLD, they would have to go through that process.

However, it’s important to note that there is currently (as of the time of writing this response) no active application round for new gTLDs. The previous round was in 2012 and it remains to be seen when ICANN will open another round. It’s also worth noting that the process of applying for and getting a new gTLD is complicated and expensive: The application fee alone is $185,000 and applicants also need to demonstrate that they have the operational, technical and financial capacity to run a registry.

Sources used:
IANA website (https://www.iana.org/domains/root/db)
ICANN website (https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/tlds-02019-06-18-en)
ICANN new gTLDs FAQ (https://newgtlds.icann.org/en/applicants/global-support/faqs/faqs-en)
PRAXI S.p.A website (https://www.praxi.com/)
Praxi Alliance website (http://www.praxialliance.com/)

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