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The top-level domain (TLD) : TEMASEK

I’m sorry, but the top-level domain (TLD) “TEMASEK” does not appear to exist in the Domain Name System (DNS) as recognized by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). As you may know, the IANA is the entity responsible for the global coordination of the DNS Root, Internet Protocol addressing, and other Internet protocol resources. You can check the updated list of valid TLDs on their website (source: IANA.org).

A TLD refers to the last segment of a domain name, or the part that follows immediately after the “dot” symbol. TLDs are mainly classified into two categories: generic TLDs (such as .com, .net, .org, and more recently, .app, .blog, .email, etc.) and country-code TLDs like .us, .jp, .uk, etc. As of today, there are more than a thousand TLDs in use.

In general, a TLD is often chosen based on the purpose of the website. For example, .com, the most widely used TLD, is typically used for commercial purposes. Websites that aim to provide information typically utilize .info. Educational institutions generally use .edu, while government websites tend to use .gov. Country-code TLDs like .us and .uk indicate the country the website is based or operates in. Any registered domain name needs to be unique to ensure internet users end up on the right website.

Furthermore, with the expansion of generic TLDs by the ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), brands, companies, or organizations can opt for brand-specific TLDs. For instance, Google owns .google, while Barclays, a British multinational investment bank, owns .barclays (source: ICANN.org).

As for “TEMASEK”, it might be referring to Temasek Holdings, a Singaporean holding company owned by the Government of Singapore. They hold assets and equities in some of the country’s most significant companies, but they do not have a specific TLD .temasek.

If someone wants to register a new TLD, they have to go through a complex process established by the ICANN, which also includes a significant fee. The ICANN opens up application periods, called “rounds,” for new TLDs (source: ICANN.org).

Please note that misleading use of TLDs can be a sign of a phishing attempt or online scam. It’s essential to verify the authenticity of a website and its TLD before providing any personal information (source: Federal Trade Commission).

Sources used:
1. Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA): www.iana.org
2. Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN): www.icann.org
3. Federal Trade Commission: www.ftc.gov
4. Temasek Holdings: www.temasek.com.sg

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