The top-level domain (TLD) “.wme” does not appear to currently exist as a valid, recognized TLD. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is a department of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) that manages the DNS Root, the IP addressing, and other Internet protocol resources. This includes a list of top-level domains. As per the IANA’s official list, there’s no .wme TLD domain (
Top-Level Domains (TLDs) are the highest level of domain names used in the DNS structure of the Internet. There are over a thousand TLDs available but the most well-known include .com, .org and .net. TLDs can be generally categorized into two types: generic TLDs (gTLDs) and country-code TLDs (ccTLDs). gTLDs are global categories like .com (for commercial), .org (for organizations) and .edu (for educational institutions). ccTLDs are country-specific names like .us (for United States), .uk (for United Kingdom) and .au (for Australia).
The process of creating a new TLD is regulated by ICANN. According to the New gTLD Applicant Guidebook from ICANN (, anyone proposing a new gTLD must undergo a rigorous application process, including background checks and technical and financial assessments.
Given that .wme currently does not exist as a TLD, if anyone intended to create this TLD for a specific purpose, they would need to propose it to ICANN and undergo the processes listed in the guidebook.
It should also be mentioned that “WME” could refer to something else outside of the domain sphere, for instance, the William Morris Endeavor Entertainment (WME), a leading global talent agency. In this context, WME could be a website name for the company.
On a final note, creating the .wme TLD might cause confusion or conflicts if it’s similar to existing TLDs or if it infringes on trademark rights. Therefore, anyone looking to establish a new TLD must conduct thorough research and legal due diligence before making a proposal to ICANN.
In conclusion, currently, it seems that the .wme TLD does not exist. Only TLDs approved by ICANN are recognized and valid. As of the time of writing, there’s no TLD .wme listed by the IANA.