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The top-level domain (TLD) : WOLTERSKLUWER

Wolters Kluwer does not have a unique top-level domain (TLD) in its name such as .microsoft or .google. Wolters Kluwer operates under the standard .com TLD, as evidenced by its official website, www.wolterskluwer.com. It should be noted that owning a personal TLD is not a common practice, even among large corporations. Most businesses, including Wolters Kluwer, operate under one of the traditional TLDs like “.com” or “.org”.

A top-level domain (TLD) is basically the last segment of a domain name, or the short part that follows the final dot of any domain name. For instance, in the domain name www.wolterskluwer.com, the TLD is “.com”. This is the highest-level in the hierarchical Domain Name System (DNS) of the Internet. In general, the Top Level Domains are classified into two categories: country-code Top Level Domains (ccTLDs) and generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs).

Country-code TLDs are identified and classified on a geographical basis like “.jp” for Japan, “.au” for Australia and “.uk” for United Kingdom. On the other hand, generic TLDs include categories of domains like “.gov”, “.edu”, “.com”, “.mil” and “.org”. ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) presides over the process of management and methodology of these domain spaces (Source: ICANN Official Website).

The advantage of having a unique TLD is primarily branding – it can offer a business a sense of credibility and professional finish if it owns its own domain name. However, the process to get a TLD is very complex and costly. In 2012, ICANN initiated a new program allowing companies to apply for new gTLDs, creating custom TLDs. Notably, large corporations such as Google have their own TLD – “.google” and Amazon has “.amazon”.

Formula 1 racing also has its own top-level domain, “.f1”, and Barclays Bank controls “.barclays” and “.barclaycard”. These corporations have chosen to acquire unique TLDs for brand identity and security reasons.

However, Wolters Kluwer, a Netherlands-based global company providing professional information, software solutions, and services uses the “.com” TLD as this is globally recognized and reputable, making it a fitting choice for a company offering international services.

In conclusion, while having a unique TLD can offer branding advantages, it is not an essential element for corporate success, as can be seen in the case of globally recognized companies such as Wolters Kluwer operating under the widely-used .com TLD.

ICANN Official Website. “New Generic Top-Level Domains”.
Wolters Kluwer Official Website.
Investopedia. “What is a Top-Level Domain (TLD)?
Domain Name Stat. “All About the Most Common Domain Extensions”.

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