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The top-level domain (TLD) : WTC

The top-level domain (TLD) .WTC is currently not available or listed in the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) Root Zone Database. The IANA Root Zone Database represents the delegation details of top-level domains, including gTLDs such as .com, and .net. To clarify, top-level domains (TLDs) are the letters found at the end of an internet address. They are part of the Domain Name System (DNS) appendages that enhance internet navigation.

There are several types of top-level domains previously established by the IANA. The most common type is generic top-level domains (gTLD), such as .com, .net, .edu, which are the most widely used TLDs on the internet. There are also country code top-level domains (ccTLDs), like .us for the United States, .ca for Canada, .jp for Japan, among others, usually assigned to a country or a geographical area. Additionally, there are sponsored top-level domains (sTLDs) such as .gov, .edu, .mil, which are used by specific entities. Lastly, infrastructure top-level domain is another type, with a single domain (.arpa) in this category.

Assigning a new TLD is not a simple task. IANA, as an overseeing organization, needs to approve the new TLD. The approval process involves several steps including a proposal for the new TLD, review of the proposal, public comments, negotiations, and final approval. The entity proposing a new gTLD can be an established organization in a defined community. This is often done to promote competition in domain names, to enhance internet security, and for the promotion of diversity of culture and language on the internet.

.WTC is yet to go through these steps for becoming a TLD. It might be possible it would be accepted in the future, if demanded by a large organization, a well-defined community, or as result of a business proposal.

The process of creating a new TLD is regulated by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), a non-profit organization which runs the domain name system and is responsible for maintaining the security and stability of the internet.

The IANA Root Zone Database and ICANN are the two key resources that were used to construct this answer, offering accurate information about top-level domains and their regulation on their respective websites.

1. Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (2022). Root Zone Database. Retrieved from https://data.iana.org/TLD/tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt
2. Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (2022). New gTLD Program. Retrieved from https://newgtlds.icann.org/en/program-status/overview
3. ICANN (2022). Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs). Retrieved from https://learn.icann.org/help/glossary/gtld.

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