The top-level domain (TLD) XN — 6QQ986B3XL is an internationalized country code (ccTLD) for .商标, which means ‘.trademark’ in Chinese. ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) introduced these Punycode translated domains to facilitate global internet use by allowing domain names in non-Latin alphabetic scripts. In other words, XN — 6QQ986B3XL allows users to register and use internet domains containing Chinese .trademark directly.
This registration system makes it much easier for individuals and organizations in China and other Chinese-speaking regions to register and display their internet domains. So, instead of having to translate Chinese characters into Latin-based addresses, internet users can enter website addresses in their native script.
However, it’s crucial to understand that not all TLDs that appear to be internationalized versions of the ccTLDs are officially recognized by ICANN. In the case of .商标 (XN — 6QQ986B3XL), though, it is an underline that this TLD is officially recognized by ICANN, as outlined in their database of TLDs.
Moreover, the specific TLD ‘.商标’ (XN — 6QQ986B3XL) is dedicated for use by trademark owners. This concept stems from ICANN’s expansion of gTLDs (Generic Top Level Domains) that cater to specific industries or groups, with the aim to increase specificity and relevance in the internet domain system. This means that this top-level domain is intended to be used by entities that wish to register their trademark in the domain name itself.
For example, a company like Huawei, which is a Chinese multinational technology company, may register a domain such as ‘’. This clearly communicates to Chinese-speaking audiences that this is Huawei’s official, trademarked domain.
The introduction of internationalized domain names like .商标 (XN — 6QQ986B3XL) is a major step forward in increasing the accessibility and usability of the internet for non-English speakers around the world. It addresses the language barrier problem, especially for speakers of languages that use non-Latin scripts.
In conclusion, the top-level domain (TLD) XN — 6QQ986B3XL corresponds to .商标, an internationalized ccTLD that caters specifically to entities wishing to communicate their trademark status within their domain name. This is an example of the continued evolution and internationalization of the internet, making it more useful and accessible for a broader range of users around the globe.
Sources used:
1. ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) (
2. World Intellectual Property Organization (
3. IANA — Root Zone Database (
4. ICANNWiki (