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The top-level domain (TLD) : XN--CG4BKI

The top-level domain (TLD) “XN—CG4BKI” is the Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) Punycode representation for the TLD “.삼성”, which means “Samsung” in Korean. Punycode is an encoding system used to convert Unicode (non-Latin) characters for use in ASCII-compatible (English based) systems. It enables internet users worldwide to use domain names in local languages and scripts.

In this case, the “.삼성” TLD became “XN—CG4BKI”. This allows international domain names to be understood by the Domain Name System (DNS), a foundational system that enables the internet to function and locate specific computers or servers.

The .삼성 TLD was requested for use by the Samsung corporation to create a digital presence that more accurately reflects their brand, and it was approved by The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) in 2016. ICANN is the organization that manages and coordinates the Domain Name System to ensure all domain names are unique and can be found across the internet.

For Samsung, having .삼성 as a TLD allows for better digital branding and offers a new way to engage users who prefer content in Korean. It is just one of many examples of global tech companies applying for vanity TLDs, like .apple, .google, and .amazon.

The Punycode translation to “XN—CG4BKI” is not intended for everyday use by internet users, but is rather used by DNS in the background to help with routing requests to servers. Still, having an understanding of how internationalized domain names (IDNs) work is essential, as internet users from various countries increasingly surf the web in their native languages.

When checking Google’s public DNS, the domain .삼성 (xn—cg4bki) is served by a.gtld.biz with nameserver. Verisign, a global provider of domain name registry services and internet infrastructure, maintains this record.

The development of international domain names represents a significant milestone in the evolution of the internet — a move toward greater globalization and inclusivity. As reflected by the creation of the .삼성 TLD, the internet is increasingly catering to those who speak languages other than English.

1. ICANN. “IDN TLDs (Implementation Reports)”. https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/idn-implementation-reports-2016-06-03-en
2. Verisign, Inc. (n.d.). “Verisign Domain Name Industry Brief”. https://www.verisign.com/en\_US/internet-technology-trends/domain-name-report/index.xhtml
3. Google Developers. “Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)”. https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2007/03/idn-open-issues-and-proposed
4. IANA – .삼성 Domain Delegation Data. https://www.iana.org/domains/root/db/xn—cg4bki.html

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