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The top-level domain (TLD) : XN--D1ACJ3B

The top-level domain (TLD) “xn—d1acj3b” is the encoded form of the internationalized top-level domain (IDN ccTLD) “.дети,” which is Russian for “children”. This domain was assigned by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the organization responsible for managing and coordinating the Domain Name System (DNS) to ensure that every address is unique and that all users of the internet can find all valid addresses.

Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) are domain names that include non-ASCII characters. They were introduced to allow internet users to access domain names in their own language. This was done to ensure inclusivity and diversity in the internet domain name space.

“xn—d1acj3b” is encoded according to what is known as Punycode, a way to represent Unicode within the limited character subset of ASCII used for Internet host names. It enables the representation of labels in the internationalized domain name system. Punycode is intended to work without changes to existing infrastructure and each Unicode string has a unique ASCII-only encoding.

The “.дети” domain, represented as “xn—d1acj3b” in ASCII-compatible encoding, has been designated for child-friendly content in the Russian language. The establishment of this domain aims to create an online environment that is safe, educational, and appropriate for children. This TLD was delegated to the control of the Smart Internet Foundation in 2014.

Policies governing the registration of .дети domain names are set by the Smart Internet Foundation. The name provides a point of differentiation for Russian language child-oriented services and platforms, highlighting to users that content located at this TLD is intended for children, governed by policies designed to create a safe online space.

Given the special focus on creating a safe environment for its intended demographic, procedures and policies in place for .дети domains include careful review and monitoring practices to ensure adherence to guidelines, while also establishing a level of quality and relevance of content suitable for children.

Sources used:
ICANN.org – https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/rfc-editor-2012-02-25-en
Punycoder.com – https://www.punycoder.com/
Smart Internet Foundation – http://smartinternet.foundation/en/
IANA Domain Delegation Report – https://www.iana.org/reports/2013/xn—d1acj3b-report-2013-12-03-en.html

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