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The top-level domain (TLD) : XN--D1ALF

The top-level domain (TLD) “xn—d1alf” is an Internationalized country code top-level domain (ccTLD), which is represented in an ASCII based format using Punycode transcription. This translates non-Unicode or non-latin characters to the standardised ASCII text format. In this case, “xn—d1alf” is the Punycode for the Cyrillic alphabet ccTLD for North Macedonia which is represented as “.мкд”.

The text transformation is facilitated by an algorithm that was designed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to exclusively convert encoded strings of Unicode characters into strings of ASCII text. This process is quite critical since DNS was originally designed for ASCII characters only. Hence, the need to encode internationalized domain names to make them understandable and valid in the DNS system.

As mentioned previously, the TLD “xn—d1alf” corresponds to North Macedonia. It is part of a set of internationalized domain names (IDNs), as determined by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). These are domains that include local language characters such as the Cyrillic letters used in this example, .мкд.

These domains typically apply to countries or geographically distinct regions where these local alphabets are in use. For instance, .рф for Russia, .бг for Bulgaria, and so on. ICANN has overseen the implementation of these internationalised domain names to allow the internet to be more accessible to users who do not use Latin script.

The “.мкд” ccTLD was established in the DNS Root Zone Database in 2014 following several years of discussion and a fast-track review process by ICANN, as confirmed by the IANA (source: IANA Root Zone Database). The MARnet (Macedonian Academic Research Network) manages the domain (source: IANA- who runs .мкд?). The Macedonian Ministry of Information Society and Administration supervises MARnet.

The introduction of this specialized top-level domain allows North Macedonian websites to be more inclusive and accessible to local residents who use their native script. For example, a North Macedonian news website could use the .мкд domain for their site, making it easier for local users to remember and type the URL in their own language.

In conclusion, “xn—d1alf” is used to represent North Macedonia’s Cyrillic ccTLD in an ASCII format that can be understood and valid within the DNS system. The implementation of such IDNs broadens web accessibility beyond Latin scripts, accommodating users that utilize their native alphabets.

1. The Punycode: An ASCII compatible encoding – IETF
2. Root Zone Database – IANA
3. Report on the Delegation of the .мкд (“.mkd”) domain representing the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to the Macedonian Academic Research Network Skopje – ICANN.

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