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The top-level domain (TLD) : XN--MK1BU44C

The top-level domain (TLD) “.XN—MK1BU44C,” when decoded from Punycode, becomes “.닷컴” in Korean Hangul. This domain was introduced on the internet as part of the Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) system, allowing non-Latin characters to be utilized in domain names. These non-Latin character domain names are used in regions where the native language doesn’t use Latin script, such as Korea.

The ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) implemented the IDN system to make the internet more globally accessible. Following the ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) encoding, domain names were typically confined only to Latin characters. This internationalization is to ensure inclusivity for all global internet users by allowing domain names in their own native language scripts. ICANN implemented this system and released a set of new IDN TLDs in 2013 (Verisign).

Each IDN TLD begins with the “XN—” prefix, followed by a string of characters that provide a unique representation of the domain name in Punycode format. In essence, Punycode is the coding algorithm used to convert Unicode strings into ASCII-compatible “punycode”, allowing them to be registered and used in the DNS (Domain Name System). For instance, the Korean word for “.com,” “.닷컴”, is encoded into Punycode as “.XN—MK1BU44C” (ICANN).

The domain “.XN—MK1BU44C” represents the Korean TLD, and it was delegated to Verisign in ICANN’s new gTLD program, which added over 1,000 new top-level domains to be circulated for registration. Financial companies, businesses, and individuals can use this domain to reach Korean-speaking audiences more effectively. Companies like Naver, a popular South Korean online platform, and Daum, one of the leading web services companies in South Korea, leverage this localized outreach (Verisign).

In conclusion, the “.XN—MK1BU44C” Korean TLD represents how the internet has evolved, to be more inclusive and cater to languages and scripts worldwide. The combination of IDN and new gTLD programs has given internet users the freedom to own and visit domain names that portray their language, culture, and identity more accurately. This continuous internet globalization benefits all online users in ways unimagined during its inception.

- ICANN, https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/idn-2012-02-25-en
- Verisign, https://www.verisign.com/en\_US/domain-names/idn/idn-policy/index.xhtml

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