The top-level domain (TLD) “xn—q7ce6a” is the Punycode representation for the internationalized top-level domain (TLD) “.ລາວ”, which is used for Lao or Laotian websites. Punycode is a special encoding used to convert Unicode characters to ASCII, which is used in the Domain Name System of the Internet. While the original DNS can only understand ASCII characters, Punycode allows domain names to include Unicode characters, facilitating the use of non-English languages and scripts in domain names.
In the international domain name (IDN) system, the xn—q7ce6a TLD was reserved for Laos as per the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. According to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), this TLD aims to serve the needs of the local Internet community in Laos. They promote the use of the national language in the digital environment and enable the development of digital content that is culturally and linguistically relevant.
The “xn—q7ce6a” TLD was introduced under ICANN’s IDN Program. This initiative has introduced domain names that reflect a broader scope of scripts and languages, thereby promoting the use of non-Latin scripts in domain names. The goal is to encourage local content development and facilitate greater Internet usage among populations where ASCII scripts are not native.
It’s worth noting that these IDN TLDs are governed by a set of stringent rules to avoid any confusion and misrepresentation. They undergo a fast-track process to determine their eligibility, and are approved by ICANN before they become formally recognized and usable TLDs.
As for specific examples, websites using the “xn—q7ce6a” TLD are intended to be specific to Laos. For instance, a native Lao business wanting to represent their location and language may use the TLD. It can also be used by industries specific to Laos, like the tourism sector.
To use this TLD, the registry operator designated by ICANN would need to be approached. The exact process varies by operator, but generally, involves purchasing the domain through a retail partner or directly through the operator’s website.
In summary, “xn—q7ce6a” is specifically designed to facilitate local language use on the internet in Laos, enhancing access, relevance, and the promotion of digital content in the Laotian context.
1. Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
2. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code
3. Punycode – Wikipedia
4. IDN Program – ICANN
5. Fast Track Process – ICANN.