To enable remote management and automation with vSphere CLI, follow these steps:
1. Install vSphere CLI on the remote machine by downloading the latest version from VMware’s website.
1. After installation, navigate to the vSphere CLI bin directory and run the “” script. This will prompt you to enter the vCenter server credentials.
1. Once you have authenticated with vCenter server, run the “vicfg-hostops” command to verify that you have connectivity to the remote host.
1. Now, configure the vSphere CLI to manage and automate the remote hosts by adding them to the inventory. To do this, run the “vicfg-addserver” command followed by the IP address of the remote host.
1. Once the remote host is added to the inventory, you can remotely manage and automate the host by running various vSphere CLI commands.
1. To ensure secure remote management, configure SSL certificates on the remote machines and use secure protocols for communication such as HTTPS.
1. Additionally, you can create scripts using vSphere CLI commands to automate repetitive tasks and reduce manual labor.