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How to configure performance management settings in vCenter?

To configure performance management settings in vCenter, follow these steps:

1. Log in to vCenter using the vSphere client or web client.

1. Select the inventory object for which you want to configure performance settings. This could be a datacenter, cluster, host, or VM.

1. Click on the Configure tab.

1. Under Settings, click on General.

1. Click on the Edit button next to Performance.

1. Under Statistics Level, select the level of statistics you want to collect. The options are Basic, Normal, and Advanced.

1. Under Chart Options, select the chart interval and the number of days for which you want to retain performance data.

1. Under Advanced Options, you can configure settings such as the number of concurrent data collections and the number of concurrent chart updates.

1. Click Save to apply the changes.

1. Repeat the above steps for each inventory object for which you want to configure performance settings.

By configuring performance management settings in vCenter, you can collect and analyze performance data that can help you diagnose and troubleshoot performance issues in your virtual environment.

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