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How to configure policy management settings in vCenter?

To configure policy management settings in vCenter, follow these steps:

1. Log in to vSphere Client and select your vCenter server.

1. Click on “Configure” and then “Policies.”

1. Click “Add.”

1. Select the type of policy you want to create, such as a storage policy or a network policy.

1. Define the policy settings based on your requirements.

1. Click on “Finish” when you are done.

1. You can then apply the policy to specific resources, such as VMs or storage devices, by selecting the resource and clicking on “Policies.”

1. Select the policy you want to apply and click “OK.”

1. The policy will then be applied to the selected resource.

1. You can also edit or delete policies by selecting them in the Policies tab and selecting the appropriate option.

By configuring policy management settings, you can ensure that your resources are being utilized optimally while also maintaining compliance with organizational policies and best practices.

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