To configure workgroup management settings in vCenter:
1. Log in to the vSphere Client or vSphere Web Client.
1. In the Dashboard tab, click on the Workload tab.
1. Under the Workload tab, click on the Workgroups tab.
1. In the Workgroups tab, you can see the list of the created workgroups.
1. To create a new workgroup, click on the add symbol (+).
1. Enter the name of the workgroup in the Name field.
1. Specify the number of workloads that you want to assign to the workgroup in the Workloads field.
1. Click on the Save button.
1. To assign workloads to the workgroup, click on the name of the workgroup.
1. In the Assign Workloads window, select the workloads that you want to assign to the workgroup.
1. Click on the Save button.
1. To manage the workgroups, click on the Manage button next to the name of the workgroup.
1. In the Manage Workgroup settings window, you can configure the settings for the workgroup such as CPU, memory, and storage.
1. Configure the settings as per your requirement and click on the Save button.
1. Click on the Done button to exit the Manage Workgroup settings window.
1. Repeat the above steps to create and configure more workgroups.