The process for configuring a subdomain on a VPS server can vary greatly depending on the type of server and control panel you are using. However, a general guide for Linux server using Apache (most common scenario) is as follows:
Here is a simplified step-by-step guide on how to do this:
1. Login to your VPS via SSH.
1. Navigate to Apache directory (like `/etc/apache2/sites-available/` by using the `cd` command).
1. Create a new configuration file for your subdomain by typing `sudo nano example_subdomain.conf` where “example\_subdomain” is the name of your subdomain.
1. Enter the following basic subdomain configuration, replacing “subdomain”, “domain_name”, and “directory_path” with your details:
1. Save and close the file by pressing Ctrl + O, then enter, and finally Ctrl + X.
1. Enable your new virtual host with the command `sudo a2ensite example_subdomain.conf`.
1. Restart your Apache2 server to make these changes take effect by typing `sudo service apache2 restart`.
Remember, this only works if your DNS provider is pointing to your VPS IP. If not, you need to create an A record that points your `` to your VPS IP address.
Also, this setup may be different if you’re using different software or a managed control panel like cPanel or Plesk. In those cases, subdomains are usually set up within the control panel’s interface. Please refer to the documentation of your specific control panel.