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How to configure the firewall on a VPS server?

There are several ways to configure a firewall on a VPS server depending on your operating system. Here are some general steps for Linux, which is one of the most common systems used on VPS servers:

1. Log in to your VPS: Use SSH (Secure SHell) protocol to log into your VPS. This can often be done in the manner `ssh username@server_ip`.

1. Check if UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall) is available: Input `ufw status` into the command line. If the UFW isn’t installed, you can get it using `sudo apt install ufw` in Debian-based distributions, or `sudo yum install ufw` in RHEL-based systems.

1. Allow necessary ports: You should allow the SSH (port 22), HTTP (port 80) and HTTPS (port 443) by default unless you’ve changed ports or don’t need some of these services. Use commands like `sudo ufw allow 22`, `sudo ufw allow 80` and `sudo ufw allow 443`. If using other services like a mail server, make sure to allow its port too.

1. Enable the firewall: After making sure that all necessary ports are open, you can enable the firewal with `sudo ufw enable`.

1. Manage UFW: You can add/delete allowed connections with `sudo ufw allow port/service` and `sudo ufw delete allow port/service`.

Remember this is a simple way to manage a firewall, and may not be enough for more advanced applications. Consider researching guides for any specific services your VPS will be running if they aren’t covered by this guide, or if you are using a different operating system.

It’s worth noting that the connections you allow should be defined by your use case, allowing only necessary connections is a key part of securing your server.

Lastly, keep in mind that every system comes with its inherent security advantages and risks, so you need to adjust your strategy based on the individual system that you are using. Consulting with an expert or doing more in-depth research can help you preserve the integrity and security of your VPS server.

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