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How to install Node.js on a VPS server?

First, connect to your VPS server. You can do this using SSH (Secure Shell):

$ ssh username@your_server_ip

Replace “username” and “your_server_ip” with your real username and server IP address.

After successfully connecting to your VPS, follow the steps below to install Node.js:

1. Update package repository:

$ sudo apt-get update

1. You need to install the software-properties-common package, which is required to manage your independent software vendor (ISV) software sources and adding PPAs etc:

$ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common

1. Now, you need to install curl if not already installed:

$ sudo apt-get install curl

1. After installing curl, use the command below to import the Node.js PPA in our system:

$ curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup\_14.x | sudo bash - You can replace “14.x” with the version number of Node.js you want to install.

1. Once the Node.js PPA is added in your system, use the following commands to install Node.js:

$ sudo apt-get install nodejs

1. Once completed, you can verify the installation and check the installed version of Node.js using the following command:

$ node -v

1. The npm (Node Package Manager) will also be installed with Node.js. So you can check the installed version of npm also using the following command:

$ npm -v

That’s it! You have successfully installed Node.js on your VPS.

Note: The commands and processes may differ slightly depending on the type of VPS and the Ubuntu version you’re using.

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