To add multisite functions to WordPress, follow the steps below:
1. Backup your WordPress Site: Before you begin, it’s always a good practice to backup your WordPress site to avoid any data loss in case of any mishap.
1. Enable Multisite: To enable multisite, open your wp-config.php file in your root directory and add the following line of code:
define( ‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true );
Save the file to activate Multisite in WordPress
1. Install Network: Go to your WordPress Dashboard and select ‘Tools’ > ‘Network Setup’ to install the network. In this step, you can choose between subdomains or subdirectories for the URLs of the Wordpress Network.
1. Edit wp-config.php: Once you set up the network, you will see two sections of code you need to add to your wp-config.php file. Copy all of this code and replace the original code between the ‘/_ Multisite settings _/’ tags.
1. Edit .htaccess: Follow the same process for the .htaccess file. Copy all of the code provided and replace the original code in the ‘# BEGIN WordPress’ and ‘# END WordPress’ tags.
1. Setup Your Sites: Once you enable a WordPress Multisite, you can create as many sites as you want, each with its own domain. To create a new site, go to your WordPress dashboard, select ‘Sites’, and finally, click on ‘Add New.’
This will bring you to the ‘Add New Site’ page, where you’ll be asked to fill in the site’s name, title, and admin email. You can also assign the site to an existing user or create a new user to manage it.
That’s it! Now your WordPress site has the Multisite feature enabled, and you can start creating different sites under the same network.