There are several ways to embed ads in WordPress:
1. Ad plugins: Install an ad plugin such as Ad Inserter or AdSense Integration WP QUADS plugin. These plugins allow you to easily insert ads into your post content, sidebar, header, footer or any other widget area.
1. Manually insert ads: You can manually insert ads into your WordPress posts and pages by using HTML code. Simply copy and paste the ad code into the “Text” view of the post or page.
1. Use a theme that includes ad placements: Some WordPress themes come with built-in ad placements. Check the theme documentation to see if this option is available.
1. Use Google AdSense: If you have a Google AdSense account, you can generate ad code and insert it into your WordPress site for contextual ads that are relevant to your content.
Remember to always be careful not to overdo ads, as too many ads can negatively impact user experience and ultimately hurt your website’s reputation.